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        Dean’s Message

        Education is the soul as well as the foundation ofa nation. Dalian Maritime University is a national key university affiliated toMinistry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. It is a national key universitythat had been officially admitted into the 211 Project as well as a national “first-class discipline” university.The "Transportation Engineering Discipline" is the ...


            The College of Transportation Engineering was re-established in June 2017 by the

        former transportation management school and some majors from the transportation equipment and marine engineering school.

            The college has 5 undergraduate programs, 2 master programs of first-level discipline, 5 master programs of second-level discipline, 3 programs of engineering masters and 4 PhD programs. The school has built a multi-level and multi-program education system for doctorates, masters and bachelors to cultivate postgraduates and undergraduates and enroll international students.

            The colle...